Understanding Common Skin Cancer Risk Factors
- Posted on: Jul 15 2023
Cancer is the rapid and uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal and damaged cells in the body. These abnormal growths become tumors and negatively affect whatever tissue or system in the body they are in. Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Like with every cancer, undergoing skin cancer screening is important to catching cancer early and increasing the likelihood of successful treatment. You should get a skin cancer screening once a year or more if you have risk factors that make it more likely to develop skin cancer. Let’s explore some common skin cancer risk factors and how Mohs surgery can treat skin cancer.
Excessive UV Exposure
Skin cancer is primarily caused by UV light damage to the skin. UV can damage the skin and increases the risk of the damaged cell becoming cancerous. The most common source of UV light is the sun. However, man-made UV lights can also be just as dangerous. No one can avoid the sun. We all have to go outside and get things done. Our skin naturally mitigates UV damage through melanin in the skin. However, excessive sun or UV exposure drastically increases your risk of developing skin cancer. This is more relevant in tanning. Whether you’re tanning from the sun or from a tanning bed, both use UV light. In fact, your skin becoming tan is the body’s injury response to UV damage.
Compromised Immune System
People with a compromised immune system have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. This is most common in people with immune conditions like HIV/AIDS or in people taking medications that suppress the immune system.
Radiation from the sun is the most common reason for skin cancer. However, any form of radiation can damage skin cells and increase the chance of skin cancer. This is common for people who work in professions that expose them to radiation or for individuals that had to undergo radiation treatments.
Seeking Treatment for Skin Cancer
Treating skin cancer has to do with the removal of cancerous cells. Different treatments and procedures are used to remove and kill these dangerous cells. The American Society for Mohs Surgery advocates for the use, research, and promotion of Mohs surgery for skin cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer and are looking for a Mohs surgery provider, then contact the American Society for Mohs Surgery at 785-783-2070 today.
Posted in: Skin Cancer